first build added basic enemies

Date: 12.5.2024


- make basic demo


This week I realized that my rope isn't best for this game, so I tested many versions. For example if rope moved instead of player. Than I tried making better script for longer rope, but I wasnt really sure how. But I want to add some parts when player needs to leave princess hair (princess needs to rest), so I decided to cheat a bit and used bushes on tower to caver transmission. This will allow rope to be flexible- it's short and therefore more fun for player.

I added two basic enemies, bird and window- that throws random object on player- I will have to finish window sprite and add more objects.

I also added basic health system- I am planning on healthbar with princess stamina bar.

with my prefabs making levels is easy. 

I also prepared some scripts.

My plan for next week is to make a trailer and add 2-3 more enemies (boss included) and healthbar and stamina bar and menu.

If I get time adding more sprites, but pixel art is harder than it looks.

Invested hours:



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